Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Slight Pause While We Figure This Out

I meant to post this a week or so ago but thanks to the changing seasons I've been pretty much just sleeping in my spare time.  Ah, the joys of the fall cold. How I have missed thee so!

To get back on track with the actually message, there is a going to be a short break of two to three weeks because we are drastically reorganizing our living/dining/gaming/sleeping space. I'm enjoying getting back into the blogging and even have a few things planned but I need to focus on the reorganization during my spare time for a bit as I lug the furniture hither, dither, and yon.  On the plus side, we are finally going to have our kitchen table back in action which means more gaming space! Huzzah! And as an added plus it will be in a room with natural light! Pure madness I tell you!

Anyway I won't keep you any longer but have no fear; the blog is not fading or stopping or imploding or anything crazy like that. Just a brief interruption of life and then we'll be back to gaming again.  Until next time...