Thursday, October 4, 2018

Blood Bowl and Antares: The Rats Are Taking The Field! And Hey, That's The Green I Was Looking For!

It's that time of year again and friend of mine sent me a message with two words...

Blood Bowl.

It's been years and I think six editions since I played but I still have my Skaven from all those years ago.

Behold!  It's the...  um…   well crap, they had a name once... been too long...  the Rat Bastards maybe?  The Dirty Rats?  Gonna have to think about that one....
They still look pretty good, especially since I painted them 25 plus years ago but I'm thinking about changing them up a bit.  The original colors were... something acrylic?  But I don't even know what company made them much less what shade they are.  Since I have to repaint the ref/blitzer in the front, I think that I'm going to go with a brighter shade of green.  Seems like it would fit the warpstone greenish glow more than the dark shade I'd used before.  I also want to rebase them since the current edition uses 32mm bases instead of 25mm.  Thankfully I have a number of 30mm bases floating around so these will do nicely; really don't think that anyone would argue about the 2mm difference in size.  I've also got an old rat ogre floating around in my bits box so this is a good opportunity to finally get him assembled as well.

And On The Antares Front...

On a more sci-fi note, I've been taking a good, long look at my Algoryn and I'm really not happy with their final color.  It's just too dark so I decided to see what other shades of green were in the P3 range.  It took some digging but I did manage to find a shade that would work well... except it seems to be out of stock everywhere.  After digging through three online stores plus the Privateer Press website itself to try to figure out how I could get just one bottle of this paint, I decided to inventory the P3 paints that I owed... only to find the very color I was looking for.  And the moral of the story?  Look in your own paint collection before you start digging through the internet to find one color.

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