Friday, November 2, 2018

Workbench: My Digital Painting Notebook

One of the things that I've seen several people do but never done myself is keep a painting notebook.  What paints and colors you used, techniques that were done, things like that so you can recreate it in the future if you want or even just use as a reference.

I love the idea of doing this but I've always held off on doing this because I know my luck; I'll get a notebook, write a few things, and then loose the notebook.  Always the way it works, right?  So instead I've decided to use the blog for the same purpose.  No idea why it took me so long to come up with it as it should be pretty obvious but sometimes it easy to miss the nose on your face.  Plus I figure it should be pretty hard to misplace the internet, right?

Seems like a good theory anyway so there should be some more quick posts coming soon.  Heck, I might even cobble together a light box so I can do it right!  Just a whole bunch of craziness!

As a real life side note, I am currently cross training at work so I don't have access to a computer during my workday.  I usually type during my lunch break so things might slow down for a little bit over the next few months but I'm going to do everything I can to keep up my rate of at least one post a week.

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