Thursday, February 14, 2019

Random Update: The Workbench Is Almost Usable

So last week I decided to set the goal to have my hobby space cleared out by Sunday.  It's a reasonable goal, it really is... except for it being my wife and daughter's birthdays plus my daughter having a karate competition.  But other than those things, its absolutely possible!

I did actually get some headway, enough to get the creative juices flowing again at least, so I've made some headway with my extra Concord forces.  The remaining minis to get my force up to 750 points are all assembled and I've got a good start on the painting as well.  I'm not as pleased with how these ones are coming out but its been a while since I've been able to get any real painting in so I'm feeling a bit rusty.  Still its nice to see them coming along and I can't wait to finish them off.

I'm also thinking about mounting my Strike On K'Ara Nine matt and throwing together some terrain for it so I can finish off the introductory scenarios.  I don't have much desert style terrain but I think it would be fun to bash some together.  I'll have to see what I can dig out of my various terrain totes to for material to build with.

On the gaming front, I've been looking at Rangers of Shadow Deep which is by Joe McCullough, the man behind Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago.  Unlike those games, Rangers is actually designed so that it can be played solo which makes it very appealing to me especially since I have an abundance of fantasy figures floating around.  It does have its own campaign in the book which features zombies, something that I didn't have many of in my collection but I've picked some up from the Zombicide Black Plague game and I'm really happy with how they look.  There is a good variety of sculpts and they are a good size for the other minis I already have.  I was able to snag ten of them on eBay but I'm thinking I might grab another batch just because.  You can't have too many zombies and the price was more than reasonable, so why not have a whole zombie horde?

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