Thursday, June 20, 2019

Random Updates: Painted Ghar, Tabletop Warlords, and Proxy Isorians

I'm not gonna lie, I had originally been planning on trying to get in a game of Antares featuring the Algoryn troops of Yadrolla against the mighty Ghar Empire!  It didn't quite work out that way but instead I was able to actually get some paint onto my Ghar.  Huzzah!

This isn't the finished product but it gives you an idea what I'm going for.  Originally I was planning on painting my Ghar red because... well, because I like to paint things red.  It's kind of a trend.  After reading more about the Ghar, I don't see them as being so concerned with things like paint.  I mean the studio paint scheme for the Ghar is really crisp but I like the idea of having them dirty metal instead.  Their suits are churned out on an assembly line and sent out to war.  I plan on carrying this through with the outcasts as well, making them dirty from the harsh life they have been forced to live.  No idea how it will work out since I don't have a lot of experience with weathering minis but this seems like a great place to start.

I have also been watching the Tabletop Warlords on Youtube, a great channel that features Gates of Antares battle reports plus they are looking to expand into terrain making videos as well.  Sergey and Kevin do a great job breaking things down, making it easy to follow what is happening in the game, and they have a good chemistry that make them really fun to watch.  I recommend checking them out if you currently play Antares or are looking to find out more information about how the game works.

All of which leads nicely into my next tidbit, proxied Isorians.  When I first got into Antares the Isorians just didn't appeal to me aesthetically.  As I learned more about the game, they (along with pretty much all the other factions) really started to grow on me.  Unfortunately the Isorians are one of two factions that don't currently have a plastic set for their core infantry and I can't really justify plunking down more money while I'm still working on assembling and painting my first three armies.  Thankfully I stumbled across at least a temporary solution to this problem; the Therians.

This blog first focused on the game AT-43 by Rackham Games.  Unfortunately Rackham went the way of the dodo years ago but I still have all of my old Therian minis.  The Therians are basically a mechanical race but stylistically they have an organic look to them... just like the Isorians.  So, bada bing, bada boom...

...and instant Isorians!  While I do have a good number of Therians floating around, I don't have enough to be able to field a large Isorian proxy force.  I'd invested pretty heavily into the Golgoth walkers compared to the regular infantry units but I can pull together enough ground pounders for about 500 points, which is good enough for me to be able to try pushing them around to see how they play.  Who knows, it might even lead to yet another army for my collection.  Until next time...

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