Monday, August 5, 2019

Workbench: More Terrain and More Cheese

Well, craziness for work has really pushed my release schedule off but I think that things are getting back to... "normal"?  Is that the right word?  Guess it'll have to do for now, but without further ado, let's take a look at what's on the workbench!

A couple of weekends back, I decided to pop into Michael's to see if there was anything cheap I could use for more terrain.  I feel like I'm making slow progress in that department but I really wanted something I could use to visually fill out the board more.  Luckily enough, they were running a 70% sale on spring floral so I grabbed a floral mat along with another 20 wooden discs for terrain basing.  A little bit of hot glue, some plants, add some fabric to cover the wood and bam!  Instant plant cover!

These pieces will work great for filler terrain on the larger discs plus I can use these as scatter terrain as well. Can't beat the price either; the mat was regularly $20 but 70% off knocks that down to $6 and I can make about 25 of these from the one mat.  Plus I like how they look together with the other terrain I have.

Here is a 2' x 4' section of table with most of the plant cover I have with me. A pretty good density overall and I'm liking the variety of plants too.  Gives it a nice organic look by not having to too structured.

In addition to this, I'm also working putting together some "buildings" that I have had lying around for years.  I'd seen these dirt cheap cups and bowls at Wally World back when I was demoing Starship Troopers for Mongoose Publishing.  I'd grabbed a bunch of them to use for some Skinnie structures but the bottom fell out of the game before I did anything with them.  Fast forward a decade or so and I've finally started working on them.

For now I have just painted them black so I can get them to the table.  Ultimately, there will either be a tan or grey dry-brushed onto them, and I still need to work out attaching some details to them but at the very least this gives me more terrain to put on the board for now.

And last but not least one of my friends is moving across the country but before he goes, we are having a Bolt Action tournament in his honor.  This one will be a more traditional 750 point list but it has to be exactly 8 order dice.  I'm sure there are plenty of viable options that can be fielded within the point limit but after the last tourney I just wanted more cheese.  In fact, let me introduce... the Big Cheese.

The core of this list will be an M26 Pershing heavy tank.  Yep, a heavy tank in a 750 point list.  In addition to the tank, there are the obligatory two six man late war squads with two BARs in each, a 2nd Lt with an assistant/bullet shield, a medic to patch the guys up as they get shot, a medium mortar team with a spotter to rain down on the enemy, and not one but two medium machine gun teams.

The real trick will be keeping the Pershing alive. Unlike Stewie, the Big Cheese is only rolling ten dice when I fire the MMGs but there is that super-heavy anti-tank gun that can seriously reach out and touch people.  Big Cheese is also more than half of my points so if someone gets lucky... game over, man... game over!

So why am I bringing such a ridiculous list to this tournament?  Well, I guess basically I feel the need to be a jerk, aka "That Guy".  Normally I am very easy going about gaming.  I spent a couple of years playing the Warmachine seasonal campaign which are basically tournaments and it just gets to be a drag.  I want to play for fun, something that I really struggled with at the BA Combat Patrol tournament.  I openly admit that I'm not strong on the rules for Bolt Action, but one of the "experienced" players I faced was making up rules and completely ignoring others, all the while really being an ass about it.  Honestly I was ready to just wash my hands and walk away, it was that frustrating for me.  So for me this tournament is about making things right.

I've been going over the rulebook and making notes of things that I wasn't aware of or that I know were just played straight up wrong, and I plan on slamming the rule book down on the table.  This will probably be the last Bolt Action game that I play but I'm going to make sure that I have a good time as I drive around the field with my ridiculous tank and blow the crap out of things.  Either way, I'll be sure to let you know how it goes.  Until next time...

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