Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Core Space: Let's Start This Campaign... Again!

This weekend my friend Deuces and I broke out Core Space after a loooong hiatus since our first game.  We decided to go ahead and give the Perseus Campaign a try but with a slight twist.  We choose one of the three captains I have (Arianna, Jace, and Weaver), then we rifled through the rest of the crew and picked who we wanted.  A little more organic feel to it but since we are basically playing a light RPG it seemed like a better process.  After that, we picked our classes, grabbed our ships, and headed off to do a little bit of burglary and corporate espionage.

Things started off well enough as we explored the Trader's Gambit on Reenoff 4.  I made contact with Butler to see if he had the data from ClawTech we were trying to retrieve, but no such luck.

Deuces even managed to have MAC make contact with Gan'eek early on who asked to join Arianna's crew, but it didn't last.  The very next turn, Gan'eek was distracted by some new shiny and reverted to his civilian state.  MAC did the only sensible thing and promptly put a bullet in Gan'eek's head.

Nope, we aren't murder hobos.  Not at all.

Then there was Kaori.  She was running around on the far side of the board, parkouring off anything she could get in contact with when she suddenly decided to take a pot shot at MAC.  Based on the chance die rolls for her, she was way too hopped up on Go Go Juice to even hold still for even a second.

At this point, the Purge started to arrive.  Just a trickle at first, but the torrent soon began.

With the crazy lady the last option for the data, Deuces got Arianna close enough to ask Kaori about the info only to have a harvester walk right behind her.

Even though she dealt with the harvester, things quickly went from bad to worse as two harvesters, an assassin, and a Live One all decided to pop in right next to Deuces characters.  Luckily, MAC had found a grenade right before this so with one well aimed lob... BOOM!  No more Live One or harvesters!

Unfortunately the assassin proved to be wee bit more trouble and Arianna out...  and then MAC was taken out... and then on my side Faye was taken out... yes, followed by Jace.  First mission and we already had a TPK!

But the good news is they can still be saved, right?  Oh, except we didn't have any money... but there's still the teleporter.  When all else fails sometimes you just gotta take that chance.  On Deuce's side, MAC was saved but lost his equipment while Arianna made it out intact!  Then it was my turn.

Yeah, Jace didn't even get a chance to teleport as the harvesters dragged him away for processing.  But there was still Faye, right?  No, not really.  Not when you have that one particular malfunction that changes your character into someone completely different.

So while yes, we had a great time with all the murder hoboing and general slaughter, but we are starting the campaign yet again.  The issue at the end was just the complete lack of any funds so the teleporters were the only option we had.  I'm thinking to try to mitigate that maybe have a small starting pool of funds to buy our one crew member and maybe get some cheap equipment from BS Mart.  Think that might be an interesting change and maybe give us a couple more options when it comes to the end game.  Until next time...

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