Sunday, March 8, 2020

Antares: Starting LIfe as a Ghar in Exile

I have had my Ghar minis sitting on my desk for a while as I've agonized over their paint scheme.  I had decided to go with just bare metal since the Ghar are only concerned with war.  Why not simply churn out the warmachines and send them out as is?  It kept feeling like there needed to be more though but the question was what.

As I mulled this over, my Ghar collection continued to expand like a gremlin that got wet which is when the Antares Facebook group started talking about Ghar Rebels and Exiles.  This got the gears going but it was the Mandolorian that finally sealed the deal.  After watching a few episodes, I sat down with some Menoth white base and started painting in panels on one of my assault suits.  I hit it with a wash of seraphim sepia, painted a couple of panels different colors to make it look more ramshackle...  and now I'm working on painting up my first armored trooper squad.

I'm really happy with how they are turning out and since I took this picture, I've been working on five more armored suits, a couple of outcast disruptor cannon teams, and ordered a set of rebel outcasts to mix into my outcast squads for a bit of variety.

One of the questions for me now is what I'm going to do with my command crawler.  In the Exile list the command crawler has fewer options available and even looses Command, Follow, and Leader but its still a beast of a machine.  Ultimately, I think I'll have to figure out a what kind of cap I want to look at for my list and then build accordingly but for now I'm just going to aim for 750 as a good starting point.  Planning to get a chunk of that completed next week and then there will be more pictures.  Until next time...

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