Monday, March 18, 2019

Random Updates: My Algoryn Have Finally Arrived!

It only took 6 weeks, a couple of emails to the online store, and threatening to dispute the charge directly through Paypal but my Algoryn minis I ordered have finally arrived.  Now that I have them, I'm going to work on assembling and painting the rest of the troops I need to field them as a full 1000 point army which will be awesome!  It's frustrating that it took so much just to be able to get to this point but I'm really looking forward to seeing them completed.

I've also been kind of a hermit as far as our local gaming scene since we moved but I've decided that needs to change.  The store that I used to go to is further away now but I know that they play Bolt Action on a regular basis so that will give me a way to get back to gaming.  Hopefully I can also entice some people to try out Gates of Antares since its derived from Bolt Action but we'll have to see.  Either way I'm going to keep working on building and expanding my Antares armies as I really have been enjoying the minis.  I think next I'll get some T7 transports for my Concord force to make them a bit more mobile, but first I'm off to paint my Algoryn!

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