Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Workbench: Algoryns, Concord, and Some Mercenary Transports

I must admit that I had kind of lost my steam after the ordering fiasco that for my Algoryn reinforcements but since they arrived I have been eager to get them done.  In short order I managed to get all of them assembled and primed, plus I've gotten the first drybrush coat on all the Yadrolla garrison troops.

Algoryns assembled!
While they will be the bulk of my force, I've decided to paint my new assault squad in the more traditional red with white markings.  I also have a medic team that will also be painted a different scheme to make them stand out a bit more as well.  All told this will take my Algoryn force up to 1000 points with 10 order dice which looks like it will be a good mix.

I also broke down and picked up a T7 transport for my Concord troops.  There have been a number of posts featuring vehicles on the Antares Facebook group so I decided it was time I picked one up.

Not gonna lie... I think this thing looks so cool!
I haven't started work on it but I've already broken open the box and I'm excited to get it together once my Algoryn are done.

Beyond the T7, I also have a couple of other vehicles that I've been thinking about using but I wasn't sure how they measured up from a size point of view.  The T7 is actually smaller than I thought it would be so these vehicles will be a perfect fit once I get some work done on them.

My off brand transport drone
Mechanically I'm going to treat it as a proxy for either a Defiant or a Freeborn T7 according to which force I field them with.  Those two have similar stat lines and they can be similarly armed they seem like a good match in this case.  I might try to add some kind of a turret to the eventually but for now I just want to repaint them and run them as is... and pick up a few more.  I've been pretty enthusiastic with my hobby purchases lately though so I'm trying to show a little restraint... at least for now.

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