Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Workbench: Painting the Algoryn for Gates of Antares

With the paint scheme on my Concord decided and well underway I turned my attention to my Algoryn troops.  They are a militant society and I do really like the red armor but I wanted to do something a little different.  Looking through their history, the Algoryn are a resilient people so harsh environments would of little concern to them.  Flipping through the mini rulebook for inspiration I was really struck by the image of a swamp world with a raised structure in the background (its on page 50 at the beginning of the terrain section).  I really like the idea of modeling terrain around this kind of image so I decided to have my Algoryn based on a swamp world.

My Algoryn troops outside catching some rays

Rather than the typical reds for their reflex armor, my troops are a dark green base, drybrushed up with an olive green similar to the technique I used for my Concord.  Once this was done, I went over their weapons with the medium grey you can see in the picture and then hit that with a thin black wash.  With some basing they're table ready though I want to try going back and adding more detail to them when things cool down a little around here.  In the meantime, I've picked up some supplies so I can start working on the terrain.

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