Saturday, December 15, 2018

Random Updates: What?!? It's Been How Long Since I Posted?!?

Wow.  I had no idea it had been this long since I updated.  Things have been pretty busy for me as I'm still cross training at work.  To pull the curtain aside a bit, I work for a steel fabricator as a draftsman and for the past month and a half or so I've been cross training in the shop.  Normally I had access to a computer during the day so I can write up a post during lunch time.  Being downstairs though means no computer hence the dry spell.  The blog is not done as I still have more random bits of hobby and such to spout into the interwebs but things might continue to be a bit slow until about mid January.

Even with this long term lull, I've actually noticed some serious spikes in the number of views that I've been receiving which is awesome.  Of course looking at where the traffic is coming from... I'll just say that people take the Sin City part of the name to heart and leave it at that.  So for those of you coming here looking for gaming related stuff, awesome!  Glad to have you here and I hope that you check back once things get back on track (aka I miss my desk and I can't wait to finish my cross training).  As for the people coming here looking for... well, other things... hope you enjoy the minis?

As for what's in store, I've been able to squeeze in a tiny bit of hobby over the past few weeks but most of my time has been focused on changing around my hobby space.  My wife told me that I should just turn what was going to be our office into my room so I've been working on getting things in order on that front.  Lots of shifting stuff around plus unpacking still more boxes of random stuff uncovering all manner of things (I had forgotten that I owned a respectable sized Ork army for 40k).  

I'd mentioned before that I found more of my Traahiri mercenaries for Antares and now I've added some transports for my Sulia mercenaries.  Not entirely sure if they are the right size to count as a T7 but that's what I'm counting them as for now.  Just need to get some paint on them and order some large flight stands then they'll be good to go.

As for other games, I've got some paint on my Mars Attacks ruins and I'm pretty happy with how they're turning out.  I haven't started on the minis themselves yet but in time...  I'm also interested in revisiting the Terminator Genisys miniature game as well since I just heard that the next Terminator movie is due out next year but with James Cameron running the show again.  Just need to grab a tracked Hunter Killer and I'll be all set... for now... mwah ha ha ha haaaa!!!  Oh, plus there is still Wrath of Kings lurking in the background.  I have the solid core for three armies in that game and the rules look interesting so I've got to give it a try sometime.  Ya know, in all the free time I seem to have.

On roleplaying front, things have actually been moving along at a steadier pace.  My wife, daughter, and I are part of a semi-regular group and we've been having a blast with it.  I've even managed to collect most of the minis for the party since we are currently dragging around half a dozen NPCs as we try to find a way out of the Underdark.  Most of them don't even have an active part in the session beyond dialog but I really wanted to have them all.  Kind of like Poke-Mon, just gotta get them all!

And so that's a quick synopsis of what's been happening for the past month.  Once I get back to the office things will get back on track but until then please bear with me.  Until next time...

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