Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Snowman's 2018 Year In Review!

I just rolled out of bed and thought "I haven't done a year in review in a while. Why not do one now?" only to see that the last one I did was for 2013.  Yoozah!  Explains why I don't remember how this is supposed to go.  Let me see...

Minis, Minis, Everywhere...
Total miniatures bought... hmmm... more than I had originally thought
Total miniatures painted... a few dozen or so?
Terrain pieces "built"... 2

I haven't kept track of these numbers at all (there's no easy to enter fields for this on so I can't even hazard a guess about totals.  I have an almost completely painted army for Konflikt 47 (just need to finish painting some US heavy infantry along with some proxies I have for the super soldiers) but unfortunately they've just been sitting in the carrier most of the year.  K47 hadn't really caught on as much I had hoped around here, even with a strong Bolt Action community, and our new home made the trip to the gaming store further than I was comfortable traveling with a potentially unreliable car.  We were finally able to get the car into the shop for some much needed maintenance but she's still acting up so she needs to go back in, but thankfully we think we've got a handle on what's going on so it shouldn't be too bad.  Finger crossed anyway.

Looking back, I've actually picked up a fair number of minis for other games including Mars Attacks (the base game plus the Martian army set and some more Martian minis to round things out), Wrath of Kings (I currently have enough minis to field small armies for three of the different factions), and at least 750 points for three different armies for Beyond the Gates of Antares (a game that I'd hoped to push locally but then we moved and the car started getting worse).  Yeah, so a lot more than I'd originally thought.

The downside is that I haven't been able to do much with them.  Life is always a thing and between still trying to unpack and get things settled in our house (it really is getting ridiculous and I'm ready to just chuck the lot), my wife unexpectedly switching jobs, me cross-training at my own work, my daughter becoming a drama geek... well, things have been very busy.  My goal is to smooth out some of the hiccups that we are dealing with and finally get us moving forward on an even keep again.

And How About Those Boardgames?
Total games played... 61 recorded but its actually more

Unlike my miniatures, our boardgames have been seeing more regular action.  A friend of ours starting coming over for Monday game nights (school work permitting) so that has meant more action at the table for us.  He's super competitive but a really good guy so its been fun exploring more games with him, and I'm looking forward to more Monday night gaming in the year to come.  The question now is which games hit our table the most?

Coming in at number five with five plays is No Regerts, the game of tatoos and poor life choices.  I'd Kickstarted this game and we've had fun getting it to the table.  It's a fairly simple game but there are some ways to quickly turn the tables on your opponents so you never know when someone is going to hit you with a curve ball.

At number four with six plays is Ghostbusters Protect the Barrier.  A mass market reskinning of Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters, this game is a lot of fun but holy crap its hard to win!  We've literally been one die roll from clearing the hotel only to have a cascade of card draws set off a haunting chain reaction that ends the game.  Even so its been a ton of fun and I know we'll be getting it to the table more in the future.

Number three with seven plays is one of our old standbys, the Resistance.  Its a game of lying and false accusations, what isn't there to love?  That said I have heard a review where they didn't like the game as they felt it bogged down too much but it sounded like they were kind of overthinking it.  For us this has always been a quick game, even when I've had to explain the rules to new players.  I really think that the key is to not take it too seriously and just enjoy the ride.

With ten plays is Sushi Go Party.  I enjoy Sushi Go and the extra options that Party brings to the table really add to the replay value.  It does make the game a little more thinky as you need to look at what's in play and adjust your strategy but that just makes each game a fresh experience in my mind.

Finally with a whooping fifteen plays is Unusual Suspects, the game where the witness to the crime doesn't know what the suspect's face looks like but somehow knows everything else about them.  This is another one that based on the reviews I read about it can be taken far too seriously.  Its just a game so have some fun with it.

And there we have it!  Overall a its been a good year full of ups and downs but we are finally moving in the right direction and I'm looking forward to the challenges and opportunities the new year will bring.

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