Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Snowman's 2021 Year In Review!

Hey, we all made it through another year!  Huzzah!  So beyond that pretty awesome achievement, how about things on the gaming front?  Let's take a look...

Total minis bought...  No idea!  I should probably start tracking this again...
Total minis painted...  Some random number?
Terrain pieces built...  Ummm... None?  I don't think?

So as with last year, I'd thought about tracking things... well, I didn't think about it too much but damn it, I think that it was a brief thought at one point in the beginning of the year.  Then again, I feel like I was able to achieve more as far as quality over quantity.  I've really be enjoying stopping and... well, smelling the paint?  It's acrylic, so don't look at me like that.  Instead of just rushing through minis, I've decided to take my time with them and really enjoy the process.  This was especially true with the BrushFu prints and Trollbloods that I've been working on.  The larger size of some of them has been a nice change and helped me work on digger deeper into the details.

And then there are the purchases.  Yeah, there weren't really any mad splurges this year.  I did have some figures that I was snapping up towards the end of the year, but nothing was really driving that forward.  Oh, except I did get the Nikstarter for Stargrave.  That was too good a deal to pass up and I like the figures that I've assembled from those sets, plus I still have a whole bunch more that I can do with them.

As for terrain, I did grab the two Infinity sets but that was pretty much it really.  I'd thought about grabbing some other Battle System sets, or actually starting to work on terrain for Zona Alfa but I just haven't felt the drive to push forward with those.  Maybe this year... but we'll see.

Total games played... 45?  That's it?!?

Yep, that's the lowest number of games since I've started do the year in review.  And that was with me being at home for most of the year too!  What the Hell?!?  Still, at least there was some games... but what were they?

For third place, we have Clank! Acquisitions Incorporated Legacy edition with a massive 3 plays.  This is actually pretty impressive since that was just in the last month or two of the year!  This game is a lot of fun, and every time for me it's come down to "Do I survive the game or try to push the story forward?"... and it's been story every time!  They did a great job adding some fun fluff to game, and it's been great exploring it!  We are on a short pause what with the holidays, but I'd love to see us back to this be a more regular thing so we can finish the story!

In second place is Betrayal Legacy with a whole 4 plays, which was enough to finish the game and find out the true story of the Betrayal.  This was a blast to play and I love how different this copy is from the original, and knowing why it is the way that it is just makes it that much better!  I will be honest that I don't know how much more we will be playing it, but it's good to have it there for an option.  And after painting up the Heroclix figure last week, I think it would be fun to expand on the generic dudes like that.  They could be used for Betrayal or maybe I could actually get around to playing some more Fear and Faith?  I did enjoy the... huh... apparently I only played it one time before.  Thought I got that to the table more...  Well, this could be the year for that!

And the most played game for 2021 is... Gloomhaven with 6 plays!  We had hopes of making this a biweekly game, and seeing how much of the world we could explore... and then life happened.  For all it's faults, I was enjoying the mechanics of this game and it would be cool to play it some more.  I think I'd place Clank AI Legacy above it just because of the light nature of the game but it would still be good to dig some more into it.

So what's on the docket for this year?  I'm going to do more with Core Space at some point.  I've got all those minis painted up after all, plus I've got some ideas for some changes that I'd like to make to the system but more on that later.  I also really want to play some Song of Blades and Heroes again.  It's been way too long since I have been able to get that one to the table, and it is such a fast and easy system.  I also think that it would be good for me to get more active with a social gaming scene.  I'll admit that I'm not the best socially dealing with strangers, but obstacles are only there to be overcome.  After all, we are all gamers, right?  Social awkwardness for the win!  Until next time...

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