Thursday, October 18, 2018

Random Updates: Where Did The Weekend Go?

So I had plans to get my Algoryns painted up, start working on some of the alien lizards for Bastion, and maybe even start my NuHu Mandarin.  And then Starbound happened.

Title screen to Starbound.  Exciting, isn't it?
For those of you that haven't heard of it, Starbound is an open universe exploration/combat/crafting game.  Kind of like a side scrolling version of Minecraft with a sci-fi flavor.  My daughter introduced me to this game before but I haven't touched it for a while... until this weekend.  On a positive note, I did get the real life responsibilities taken care of, but by the time I sat down to paint, the lightning was against me.  I desperately need to get myself a desk lamp for my workspace because this isn't the first time that I've had this problem.  Which I did!

I finally have a dedicated workspace again!  With light even!
As can be seen, I've got a few things that I've been trying to get to which has been getting harder as the days are getting shorter so hopefully this will help with my productivity.  Then I just need to work on actually getting a game in!  Well, other than my weekly Dungeons and Dragons game that is, so its not all bad.  It'll be nice to get some minis back on the table though so I'm looking forward to squeezing in some painting time in this weekend.  Baby steps but at least things are still moving forward.

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