Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Random Updates: Having The Wrong Kind Of Flood

Little light on the miniature front this week thanks to some flooding by the pressure tank for our well.  Thankfully nothing was seriously damaged and the bill wasn't as bad as it could have been.  It does mean that I was a bit late getting down to Boston though so I won't have much chance to do anything miniature related.

That said, I did manage to play some games over the weekend that were a ton of fun.  On Saturday we went over to our friend's house after they helped us get the flooding under control.  To get our minds off of things, we played a game of Azul and Bohnanza, and then later I played a game of Wingspan.  Great fun with all of them, though I'll admit that I'm not sure if Wingspan would be one my wife would enjoy.  Beautiful looking game and interesting to play, but the engine building mechanic on a game about birds... not sure if it fits.  I definitely want to play it again as it had a nice crunch to it, but I can see it not being for everyone.  Azul on the other hand, that's one that I will definitely be adding to our gaming collection.

As for the miniatures, I must admit that I'm showing a massive about of restraint.  Currently Warlord Games is running their End of Summer Celebration Sale and the deals are both crazy and really tempting.  That said, I think I'm actually going to pass on this one so I can focus on some very important things; namely terrain (aka: a better gaming board) and miniature storage.

I currently have four 2' x 2' boards in the hotel so I can put together a 4' x 4' table but its not the most sturdy.  In fact I almost lost a chunk of miniatures a couple of times last week so I'm thinking I need to pick up a 1" thick piece of insulation foam.  This comes in 4' x 8' boards which means I'll be able to chop off a couple of feet and use that to build some hills while still having a full size surface to play on.

I also don't have any way to safely transport my Ghar or my T7 transport so I really need to take steps to correct that.  Sure they are at the hotel right now, but I found a game store up in New Hampshire that wants to start running Antares games.  It's a bit of a drive but I think I'm going to try to head up that way in the next couple of weeks to check things out.  Thus, good storage in general is kind of a priority.  Why spend all the time painting them if you are just going to throw them into a box, right?

Sometimes it sucks being logical but at this point, I think the best use of my gaming dollars.  Then again, if it leads to more and better gaming... well, that's definitely not a bad thing.  Until next time...

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