Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Song of Blades and Heroes: For The Kriel!!!

Lately I've been looking at my dusty and little used Trollbloods.  I LOVE these minis!  The lore for the Trollbloods is great and the minis are so full of character!  It is a damn shame that as an army, they were so lackluster.  I tried to field them a couple of times back in the day when I was playing Hordes, but man... they were just a grind.  I've even thought about selling them but... I just can't.  The minis have just always spoken to me, ya know?  But what to do with them...

The Kriel in all their glory!  Minus a little bit of paint...

I'll admit that my first impulse wasn't SOBH, even though it makes sense.  The system is open ended and encourages you to bring whatever minis are in your collection into the game.  For some reason, my brain side stepped this one and went to Warlords of Erehwon... but I'll delve more into that in the future.

I'd already been looking at pulling my Wrath of Kings minis into SOBH, and since they are on the large side, they will fit in nicely with the trolls.  Of course I'll need to get them stat'd up... oh, and painted too.  It's good to finally have a plan for these guys though, and I'm going to fit them into my rotating painting queue.  Very excited at the idea of finally putting these guys to good use!  Heck, I might even expand my collection a bit more as well, but more on that later.  Until next time...

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