Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tab A Goes In Slot 2.76... What?

I recently picked up the Peacekeeper from Malifaux for my rapidly growing Guild force and I was really excited to get it.  Well, at least until I opened it.

Here are all the parts that go into this mechanical beastie, a whooping twelve assorted bits and bobs and no instructions.  Well crap.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited to get this one to the table... its just going to take a little bit longer than I'd originally excepted.  On the positive side, the other three minis are all much simpler assembly so getting the rest of them to the table will be a slightly more expedient proposition.

Just a short update today but beware... All Hallows Eve is coming.  Mwah ha ha ha!!! Until next time...


MIK said...

Wow, saw the thumbnail and to see what you were getting into. Not envious, haha.

Ricardo Nakamura said...

I see, you pay for a mini and get a free 3D puzzle. How about that for added value?

Sin City Snowman said...

@ Ricardo...
Ya know, that's definitely a unique take on it. I'll keep that in mind as I try not to glue my fingers together. : )

@ MIK...
It is pretty ridiculous. I've been thinking about it and I think the only way its going to work is pin almost everything together. Boy ain't this gonna be fun! : P