Thursday, February 4, 2021

Core Space: Send In The Civies!

Time for more Core Space goodness!  Once I finished my Purge models, I was looking forward to painting up some more of the minis and decided that the next batch would be the civilians.

I'd already done most of the work on one of them, so knocking out the other two was an easy task... but taking the pictures, not so much which is why this post has taken so long to be done.  They are not the best pictures but hopefully they at least give an idea what I was going for.  As for the lighting situation for photos, I think that will be the next thing for my hobby space that I address but for now let's look at the minis.

First up, is Kaori.

I'll admit that of the three, this was the one that I was looking forward to painting the least.  The edges of detail were pretty soft, especially the wraps around her calves.  I also didn't realize she had a pair of belts on the shorts until I after I had painted them and was trying to layer up the yellow to get a little more depth. She also seems to lean at a strange angle.  I'd tried to use the hot water method to straighten her but the next day she was leaning again.  Then again, she does have the ability to leap down and over terrain, so maybe she is in the middle of doing some crazy parkour?

In the end, I like how she turned out.  The art work and studio shots have her in bright clothes so I decided to follow suit.  Picking out the wraps enough to give some definition was pretty iffy but I was able to add enough highlight to at least give the impression of depth.  Since I'm only going for table top quality so this will work for me.

Next is Butler.

In contrast, Butler has some good depth to the details which was really nice.  A drybrush of grey over the black primer popped out the panels and quilting on his jacket immediately.  In fact, I went back over this with a lighter drybrush to get the panels closer to the shade I was looking for.  For the quilting, I hit those spots with a few coats of Druchii violet which turned out quite nice.  Then I decided to push myself further and started actually painting the panels on his jacket.  Why did I do this to myself?  Because pain is good I guess?  Again, the depth of the details thankfully made this easier and I quite like how it turned out.

And last but not least, Gaa'neek.

Of the civilians, this is one that I was really excited to paint and I actually did that while I was painting my harvesters.  Initially I was going to follow the artwork for his paint scheme but I decided to vary slightly and made his vest red instead of orange.  I know, quite the "rebel", but I liked most of the colors on him already so I decided I might as well use it as a guide.

As with Butler, Gaa'neek has enough depth on his details that he took the shades well.  I'd briefly considered painting the diamond pattern on his vest a different color than black, but I'm okay with how he turned out and don't really feel the need to go back over them right now.  Again, my goal is table top quality.  I'm definitely not trying to win any awards here.

Now with the civilians out of the way, it's time to start working on the traders themselves.  I was thinking about just making up my own color schemes as I went along but I'm actually enjoying trying to replicate something similar to the studio schemes.  Nothing too exact but similar concepts at least.  I will be making some custom crews in the future, so that will give me a chance to experiment more with colors.  Until next time...

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