Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Workbench: Core, Paint, Elves, and Acrylic... So Much At Once!

Man was last week a helluva week!  Nothing life shattering, and in fact more eye opening in some regards, but it did put the blog onto the back burner for a bit.  Life happens, ya know?  Thankfully I've still been able to get a fair amount of hobby in though, so I figure it's time to hit the highlights!

It all started last weekend when my new paints came in!  I knew that I ordered a bunch but actually seeing them was something else.

The top row of nine are the replacements, but the other 27 are all new.  So many options now!  And since I have all this paint now, it only made sense to get a better way to store them as well.

This is 6 shelf acrylic tray that I picked up from Amazon.  I've seen these before at nail salons and the like, but it never occurred to me to pick one up for myself until a friend on mine on Instagram posted pictures of his hobby space.  This makes things so much easier as most of my collection is right there at a glance, though I still have more that don't have homes yet.  Looks like I'm going to need to pick up another one of these in the near future!

I've also been making headway with my Core Space minis.  In fact, the crew of the Ion Hope are now done!

I'm happy with how these turned out, and I really feel like I'm starting to push myself further with them as well.  For example, I used to mostly rely on GW shades to give my paint schemes some depth, but now I'm mixing and blending colors more to create these transitions.  I've also started using a larger brush more, even for the finer details.  It seems counterintuitive but the reasoning actually makes sense.  With a larger brush, the bristles have a larger belly which means it will hold more liquid.  This keeps the paint flowing better than on a smaller size brush, and as long as there is a good tip then it works fairly well.  I feel like I've been getting better control with this approach as well.

I also started working on the crew of the Black Moria as well though I've only started to scrape the surface with this crew.

Then again, if you don't have a captain, how can you have the crew?  I'll start working on them soon but I've also started working on another little project again.  Over a year ago I'd picked up a number of Runewars minis for a crazy discount.  My thought had been to use them for a Warlords of Erehwon but then Covid happened and that project was set aside for a time.  Just this past week, I started to get the itch to get some Song of Blades and Heroes to the table so I broke out more of these Runewars minis and started painting up some of the elves.

This archer is the furthest along, but his buddies are close behind...

All of these guys add up to just over 200 points.  Pair these off against some of my human warriors that are already painted and I'm looking at a nice little conflict to push around so I can get back into the swing of things.  I'm even thinking about introducing my daughter to the game since she is on Spring break!  We've played things like Frostgrave before but time always seems to be a limiting factor nowadays.  Hopefully the quick nature of SoBH will help up get past that and have some fun trying to slaughter each other!

Well, that about sums it up for now but it's great to be moving forward with my hobby again!  Can't wait to push around SoBH again, and I might even try to post a battle report as well!  Just pure craziness, let me tell you!  Until next time...

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