Thursday, April 11, 2019

Not So Battle Report: Wrath of Kings

A few weeks ago I had posted about the Teknes and Goritsi forces that I had put together for Wrath of Kings by Cool Mini Or Not and I was planning to post the battle report for the game.  And the game did happen... kind of.

I wasn't able to play the game the weekend after that post but I had some time off later in the week so I tried to do it then.  The rules for WoK call for a 4' x 4' table which is standard for mini games but since I was using smaller forces I thought that I would just grab my 2' x 2' section and give it a go.  It didn't quite work so I ultimately decided to scrap the idea.  There were pictures but apparently I even deleted those since there wasn't much to show.

All of this could be taken as being a negative marks against WoK but its really not.  The way that deployment works in WoK is each unit has a band that it can be deployed in at the beginning of the game.  Mobile troops or supporting units are typically deployed closer to your own table edge than the more aggressive troops which makes sense so by reducing the table size so much it made the deployment zones almost a moot point.  It also virtually eliminated any maneuvering because there just wasn't any room to do anything.

Personally I chalk this up to a learning experience and I'll give it another go when I can break out the full board and do it right.  In the meantime, I did take advantage of a sale that Miniature Market is running and I was able to grab the rest of the core troops that I wanted for four of the five armies for one heck of a deal.  This sale goes through April 15th so if you have been considering checking out these minis you might want to head over and take a look.  As of yesterday they had really good stock levels on most everything that has currently been released for the game so this is a great opportunity if you want to get in for cheap.

That's all for now but I'll be dusting off my Bolt Action troops this weekend and heading to my LGS to get a game or two in.  It's been long enough that I'm basically going to be learning the game all over again but I'll see if I can get some pictures while I'm there.  Until next time...

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