Monday, April 29, 2019

Workbench: Slow And Steady To Paint The Army

I thought long holiday weekends were supposed to be relaxing but there was a lot happening for us over Easter.  Not a bad thing in retrospect but it did cut into the hobby time.  Even so I was able to get some more of my Algoryn army based and painted.

Targeter probes... The Mini Beholders of the Algoryn
I wasn't really sure how my targeter drones were going to work out but I'm pretty happy with them.  I attempted to do a bit of lens flare on their massive optic and I think it captures the effect.  Definitely something that I need to get more practice with but I don't think it's too bad for a first attempt.

Sure all I did as add some grass but I really like how they look.
My medics are also now ready to go along with at the least the x-launchers for two of my support teams.  The mag cannon and my assault squad were hiding in a different mini case so I still need to dig them out to work on it.  Still progress is progress and that is always a good thing.

Things are also about to shift gears for me as I'm out of town for the next three months for training.  I'll still be home on weekends but this will definitely have an impact on my painting time.  Even so I decided to bring along my Concord and Algoryn minis along with the paper terrain from Strike on Kar'A Nine.  While this set up is no where near as fancy as I would like for a gaming experience, it is easily portable and I should be able to get my head around the rules so I can take it to the local game store for people to try out.  Since we already have a strong Bolt Action community I'm hoping that some of them might decide to take the plunge into the gates.  Only time will tell but at least its a plan.  Until next time...

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