Thursday, May 16, 2019

Workbench: More Terrain For Antares!

Over the weekend I decided to throw together some more terrain that I could use for the Kar'A Nine battle mat (or any other desert themed mat once I put one together).  They're aren't finished yet as I didn't do anything for basing but since I'm just looking to get in some quick games while I'm away for work these will work nicely.

The plants for these are two different types that I picked up years ago when I was doing demos for the Starship Troopers Miniature Game so I have no idea what they actually are.  I have looked around for more of them recently but I haven't seen anything like it up here in the northeast.  This isn't too surprising since plants like these aren't what you would typically see in these parts.  The bases are from Michael's and come already cut into the shape you can see.  For the larger shape they only have the circle (which is roughly 6 1/2" diameter in case you were curious) but I'm okay with this.  A terrain base that I can just pick up in the store and use?  Heck yeah!

Ultimately I want to do more of these to create terrain pieces themed for Yadrolla (aka a swamp/rainforest kind of feel) but that will have to wait a bit longer.  There are still some more battles to be fought on Kar'A Nine first!  Until next time...

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