Thursday, July 11, 2019

Workbench: Stewie, Objectives, and Ghar

This past weekend was a long weekend but that was family time.  Now that I'm back out for work though, I've been plugging away on a few projects.  I went overboard and brought a ton of stuff with me this time.  All of my paints, some Bolt Action to work on, all my Concord, Ghar, and Algoryn, and even a 4' x 4' table topper.  Yeah, things definitely escalated.

First and foremost is Stewie aka the M3 Stuart fielded by the US Army in WWII.  This is a light tank with the potential to mount a ridiculous number of machine guns.

All told, this tank can potentially roll 23 dice on an attack which is just silly.  Of course this is the reason that I've been assembling it.  This Saturday I'll be playing in a BA combat patrol tournament and Stewie might be part of my force.

For those that haven't heard of this format, it's a 450 point tournament with some special restrictions for balance.  There are three specific scenarios which focus on infantry units so the most appropriate thing to do would be focus on the foot sloggers and pass on the tank.  Unfortunately I like crazy lists so I decided that I needed to build the Stuart that I've had sitting around just in case I want to field it.  I'm still really on the fence about it but it is really tempted.  I'll have to see once I get closer to the event whether I go with the tactically sound choice or Stewie and the gang.

Besides making my tank, the scenarios also call for a number of objective markers.

Since I had the Stuart kit with me, I scrounged up the various leftover bits and pieces and cobbled together four markers for the tournament.  Nothing too fancy but I like how they came out.  I think it's a hold over from Frostgrave; making "treasure markers" is just fun to do.

I also decided to make a drone objective for Antares.  I have a couple of Virai drones that I can use but I like the idea of a crashed Concord style research drone.

For this I used a C3D1 general purpose drone but cut off the arms from the subverter matrix (I used these to make my custom batter drones for my C3).  This keeps its profile familiar but makes it different enough looking to stand out.

To make it a bit more functional, I also made a crash site and the drone won't be glued to its flight stand.  This will let me place it on the "crash site" until it is reactivated at which point it can be popped onto its stand as its escorted off the table.

Last but not least, I've also taken steps to base the first of my Ghar force, namely the command crawler and some of the battle suits.

I still need to finish the three last battle suits and dig out the outcasts to slap some paint on them, but I like how these are looking so far.  It's definitely been a busy but productive week, and hopefully I can keep that momentum going into next week!  Until next time...

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