Saturday, October 12, 2019

Random Updates: The Mass Is Effecting Me!

Just kind of place holder post here as Mass Effect 2 ate up a chunk of my free time this past week.  I'd forgotten it was on my laptop until last week and I just wound up diving right into it.  Going heavier on the paragon path than I did the first time I played the game just too see the difference.

I also watched season one and two of One Hit Die on Amazon Prime... which apparently are actually seasons two and three?  Hmmm...  Apparently there is more to watch this week.  Well, the two that I watched were Legend of the Lich Lord and the Devouring Dungeon.

They describe themselves as Lord of the Rings meets the Office which I guess I can see though I have pretty limited experience with the Office (I might have to give it another try).  I found foth of the One Hit Die movies/series were pretty amusing and if you like things like the Gamers series, I'd definitely recommend checking it out.

This doesn't mean that there was no hobby this week, just much less than I had expected.  More progress was made on my hills plus I brought down more forest material that I'm going to redo.  The original pieces are from years ago and had a tree hot glued in the center of a CD. I'd done this to create small woodland area terrain but I prefer the newer style I've been doing with the tree being on its own base.  This makes it a bit easier to play around as you can move the tree on the woodland base so that it's out of the way or even just remove it if need be.  This also lets me make denser terrain pieces since the terrain elements themselves are removable and don't limit game play.

I'm also still organizing things as far as storage and it's slowly getting there.  Since I'm effectively living out of a hotel right now, it does create some interesting new challenges but overall I think that things are coming together slowly but surely.  The next step is getting out and exploring locally to check out the local game stores in the Boston area... which means suffering through afternoon traffic.  I've seen worse (I'm looking at you Ohio!) but it can get pretty tedious.  "Wow, it's only two miles away!  I should be there in about 30 minutes."

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