Sunday, January 24, 2021

Random Updates: Going For A Hobby Streak!

I recently watched an YouTube video by Dana Howl called "5 Lessons I Wish I'd Known as a Miniature Painting YouTuber in 2020".  In the video, Dana mentions the hobby streak, something which I was unfamiliar with.  My understanding is setting aside 30 minutes a day to work on the hobby, be working on minis or terrain, gluing or painting.  Just doing something to keep yourself going a little bit at a time.  She has been doing this for quite a while now, along with others using the hashtag #HobbyStreak so they can all motivate each other.

I love this idea and have already committed to trying to do the same, though I haven't been posting to Instagram about it.  I just went onto Instagram today for the first time in over a year, and quickly realized why I'd stopped.  Too much content to sift through to get to things that actually interest me, leading me down the rabbit hole and making time just disappear.  Using it is a great idea and I might change my tune in the future, but for now I'd rather spend my time on the hobby then dealing with Instagram.  Besides, I already send this blog out into the 'Verse so that seems good enough for me, even it if is mostly for my own enjoyment.

So far, I've managed to stay on course with the streak for a week now and it has been great!  All of my Purge minis are painted now, plus I've started working on a couple of old GW Talisman minis as well priming all of the other Core Space minis I have.  On top of this, I also received the bag o' Heroclix that I bought from Cool Stuff Inc. and have started working on rebasing them.

I've also been stewing around ideas for a Fear and Faith game but I've been a little stumped on the villain for the game.  What do I have a bunch of bad guys for?  I've got a bunch of zombies from Zombicide Black Plague but the clix I picked up for the good guys are all modern day, plus I have the fantasy village terrain that I'd love to use.  Mix it all together and what do you get?  A Ren Faire Zombie Jamboree!  I need to slap some paint on some minis first but the Jamboree is coming, don't you fear.  Until next time... 

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