Monday, January 4, 2021

Snowman's 2020 Year In Review!!!

Well, that was one Hell of a year!  True there was lots of craziness, but honestly there were good bits as well.  That said, the real question what about the hobby?  Let's take a look...

Total mini bought...  Ummm... some?
Total minis painted...  Roughly 108!
Terrain pieces built...  Including Battle Systems stuff, about a dozen

I had the best of intentions to track all of this stuff at the beginning of the year but then things happened.  Not much that can be done about it, but looking over my collection I did manage to get a good number painted!  There were also some repaints that I didn't include in this total (I'm looking at you C3 strike troopers!) but this is still a lot more that I thought I was able to do.

As for the purchases, I really dialed things back this year.  After splurging for two Rune Wars base games last year, it only seemed reasonable to try to reign things in.  Of course I did by more Rune Wars stuff (Latari elves army, the demon dudes army, plus several unit boxes) but this was to take advantage of that line closing out.  I'd already missed out on getting more Wolfen and I wasn't going to let that happen again!  Now I've got at least two 2000 point armies for Warlords of Erehwon that cost me maybe $200 tops?  I still need to paint most of them but at least I'm not dealing with trying to buy OOP stuff to put together some forces.

And on the terrain front, actually getting my hands onto some Battle Systems terrain has been huge!  Between the Fantasy Village set and Core Space, I'm really impressed with the quality of their product and I'm looking forward to getting more this year!

Total games played... 72 total!

Sweet!  I actually got to play more games this year!  Not as many as I'd have liked but do we ever get in that many?  Of course the next big question is what did we play?

In a three way tie for third place with four plays each is Onitama, Gloomhaven, and Funkoverse Strategy Game.  Two of those I'd have liked to have played more (Gloomhaven and Funkoverse) but things just didn't line up that way.  There were some dry spells early in the year, and our plans for a biweekly Gloomhaven campaign had to go on hold.  Hopefully later this year we can get Gloomhaven back on track because I was enjoying playing that one.  A lot to get your head around but it was an interesting light roleplaying experience.

For second place at five plays each we have a two way tie between Sentinels of the Multiverse and Hocus Pocus!  I'll admit that I'm surprised that these two surged to the fore like they did but it been fun to get them both to the table.  I can see some issues with Sentinels normally, but my friend has the expansion that introduces villain teams so you stay in the game longer.

And the reigning champion with 10 plays?  Betrayal Legacy!  And we didn't even finish the whole campaign!  Two of our players got busy with college but we should be able to wrap this up this year.  I've been enjoying this game a ton and I can't wait to see how it ends.  Will we win the day or will the evil in the house destroy us all?

So what does the new year hold for me?  We just finally started the Ghosts of Saltmarsh game that I mentioned in last year's review so that's a good indication of things finally moving forward.  Plus with my recent purchase of Battle Systems fantasy terrain and Core Space, I want to get some games in with my daughter before she is off to college next year.  And more painting, that is a must.  I did a lot better than I expected last year but it was definitely short of the model a day total that I was aiming for.  Time to see if I can get a bit closer this year!  Until next time...

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