Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Betrayal Legacy: The Final Betrayal... Or Perhaps The First

 It was a year later than we expected, but we finally did it; we completed Betrayal Legacy.  Our original goal was to finish it last summer before two of the players headed off to college, but then there was social distancing, followed by the two of them unfortunately breaking up... but the four of us that were last pushed through and completed the game.

Just look at all the rolling real estate outside of the house now!

All I can say is wow.

No, not really.  It would be a really short post if that was all I said!  Now that it's done, we know the story behind the house and it actually makes more sense.  Why isn't there an easy way out of the basement?  Just why are there so many bizarre and creepy things crammed into this one house, and why in the world did the group from the original Betrayal even go there?

Of course someone still had to get stuck in the basement.

On top of the story making more sense, now we have our own version of the game which is a really cool twist.  This is the first legacy game that I've completed and I think it will be fun to break it out again in the future just to experience what our campaign created.

One of the final moments of our story!  Man was it close!

Is this a game for everyone?  Probably not.  I enjoy the traitor mechanic in the game but there are those that really don't, plus if you are a newer player it can be tricky to get your head around what exactly you are supposed to be doing.  After all, it's not like you can ask the other players to help!

As for what's next, I'm thinking that I'll go back and repaint some of the minis, plus add more that better fit the various haunts.  By the end, you have a total of ten minis that come with the game and I added more on top of that.  Just like the look of it more than having a cardboard counter for the inhabitants of the house, makes them more part of the game as least for me.  Before I get to that though, I've got some stalkers to work on, and one of them is already assembled!  Now I just gotta figure out what the other are equipped with.  Until next time...

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