Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Random Updates: Välkommen och tack Sverige!

In a slightly bewildering turn of events, this blog managed to set a new high for number of hits last month.  This year I've been hovering from 600 up to about 800 hits typically, but for some reason I had an absolutely massive spike, ending just shy of 6000 hits!

Normally I can piece together what might be happening.  The last big upsurge I had looked like it was tied to the title of an entry mentioning mercenaries.  I play hobby wargames, so this might not seem too surprising, but the hits were all coming from part of the world that was in a bit of unrest.  I changed it from "mercenaries" to "independent contractors" and the hit parade slowed down, but not before that one post became the second most often viewed post on the blog with almost 1000 hits in just a few months!

And then there was this past month.  There wasn't a single post that shot up in views, and even when I dug a little to see why I suddenly had 5500 hits from just Sweden, I didn't see anything happening that would accidentally lead to my doorstep.  The mystery remains, so all that's left is to do is say "Thank You Sweden!"  I hope you've been enjoying whatever it was you've all been reading!

On more serious note, this past weekend was... well, challenging to say the least.  There was a death in the family and medical issues with a pet that we've had for a very long time, all of which took priority over the plastic men.  The toys are fun after all, but they are still just toys at the end of the day.  This past month I had just started working on getting into a Tuesday/Friday posting routine, but I'll have to see what happens later this week.  Hopefully I can get in some more hobby just to have some time to destress and disconnect for a bit, but family comes first.  Until next time...

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