Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Five Parsecs From Home: Beginning the Journey, Part Deux

It's time to finish what we started, and in this case I mean the crew of... well, the unnamed starship thingamabob. Heck, right now we don't even know what kind of ship it is, but have no fear!  There's a table for that too.

For our fourth crew member, we have another primary alien!  Cool!  And with another roll, we have a swift.  Swift are a race of small, winged reptilian humanoids and they earned their name from the jerky, quick movements.  Interesting...

For their class, they are from a lower megacity which earns them an extra low tech weapon.  Kind of gives me a Necromunda/Mega Ctiy One vibe which is cool.  These little tidbits don't just add to the characters, they also help develop the region of space that you are starting in.

Next comes their motivation, which is revenge!  This earns us yet another rival (because it's always fun to have yet another person messing with your plans!) and also earns this character 2 XP.  Unlike the other perks that you can get in character generation, XPs are for the individual character and not the group, and are used to increase ability scores or even get some special training to open up new skills.

Lastly is the class for our little lizardy friend, and they are an explorer.  This earns the crew another roll on the gear table, and earns the swift another 2 XPs!  Our little swift has already on the road to becoming the most competent member of the crew... as long as they can survive a couple of games!

Our fifth member of the crew is another alien, in this case what is known as a soulless.  Soulless are cybernetic beings that share a hive mind, making them kind of like Geth from Mass Effect.  And things got even more interesting when their background popped up another isolationist enclave.  So the engineer and the soulless are both from these enclaves... or maybe the same one?  Hmmm...

Next for their motivation we have freedom, earning them 2 XPs.  So maybe they wanted out of the enclave?  See how all the little prompts start getting the creative juices flowing?  Las but not least is their class, which is scientist.  This boosts up their savvy ability again (this was already improved from being a soulless) and earns the group an extra piece of gear.

The final member of the crew is another baseline human, but this time with a twist.  They grew up on a mining colony, which gives them a +1 to their toughness.  On top of that, their motivation is survival which gives another +1 to toughness.  This boosts their toughness all the way up to 5, one short of the max allowed and turning this character in the tank of the crew!  And speaking of crew, that happens to be their occupation as well; starship crew.  This gives them another +1 to savvy this time, making this character a brute that can take a hit while using their brain to figure things out.

This just leaves one more step to this whole process (well, other than rolling up the equipment which we can touch on as I get the minis done) and that is the ship.  Just what the heck are these people flitting about in?  One more roll and we have... an unreliable merchant cruiser.  Huh.  Not as dramatic as a retired scout ship or an old military patrol ship, but it will suffice I suppose.  Especially when you look back at the first character I rolled up who is from a wealthy merchant family.  Maybe they were given it to go make a name for themselves?  Or did they steal it, and maybe the family wants it back?  They are an agitator after all, and that would be a heck of a rival.

As you can see, even though these things were all randomly generated they have already gotten the creative juices flowing, trying connect them all together.  So just who are the crew of this merchant cruiser?  We'll find that out soon!  Until next time...

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