Monday, August 23, 2021

Stargrave Miniatures: Troopa Numba One!

This week has been especially hectic as my daughter is heading to college, and then I'm heading out to the field so not much time for hobby this week.  That said, I was able to put together one of the troopers from the Stargrave Troopers set and I'm quite pleased with how he came out.

In this case, this mini is actually destined to head into the Zone and will be taking up the role of my leader.  In Zona Alfa, the leader is kitted out with mil-spec armor among other things so the trooper sculpt works well for it.

The sculpt is also very crisp with nice and clear details which I always prefer.  I always feel like minis with soft details just get too muddled but no worries on that here.  There was also nearly no flash or mold lines which is great because I am horrible at getting those off!  I've heard of patience, but never put much stock in it.

For those of you who might have noticed the sharp lines on his lower leg, those actually aren't mold lines.  I noticed them when I snapped these pics and grabbed by xacto scrape them off, but those are the edges of the armor on the lower leg.

The sprue also comes with a nice variety of extras as I mentioned in a previous post, but they all come together quite nicely which is a big plus!  All the fiddly bits in the world won't do you any good if you can't glue them together but I've had no worries with that so far.  On this particular mini, the backpack, the pouches below the pack, and the sidearm are all separate bits.  I was a little worried about the pouches fitting up since they have a curve to them, but they went together clean as could be!

I want to dig into the mercenaries sprue next to build a couple of hardened crew members, so hopefully I can do that soon.  I've also started working up some stats for the Zone critters that I previously posted so I'll see if I can fine tune those as well.  All of it's progress, and it's all headed in the right direction!  Until next time...

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