Monday, October 5, 2020

Deadzone: The Red Caps

 It's been months since I last worked on anything for Deadzone but I finally made a little more forward movement... in another direction... since its not terrain, or Rebs, or Plague...

Instead, its Marauders.

While cleaning up, I dug up my collection of 40k Orks from back around the Assault on Black Reach era (no idea what edition that was...).  I had collected a pretty good sized force back then but I wound up focusing on Warmachine instead so the boyz just went to the wayside and collected dust.  Everything else I sold or threw away but not da boyz.

Fast forward to now and my too-many-projects-that-I'm-trying-to-work-on-but-not-being-successful phase and hey... let's add another!

The thing is, Orks are just fun to paint.  The models have always had tons of character and they were a blast to modify as well.  With me looking at dabbling in Deadzone at some point, this gave me a good excuse to grab a few and put some paint to them.  In fact, I have one done already (minus the base...).

As you can see, it's a pretty basic paint scheme.  Since the Marauders used to be part of the GCPS, I thought some kind of standardized uniform would be fitting which is why I went with the grey and black.  The red on the helmet was just going to be an accent to the scheme but as soon as I did it, I knew they had to be the Red Caps.

I already have five more minis lined up to be painted which will give me a 100 point team.  I can proxy them into Deadzone and see how they work... once I make some more terrain...  Until next time...

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